Eagle-Watching on Mentor Marsh

Mama's taking a rest before embarking on a hunt for food

An eagle’s nest is still a rare thing to see in this day and age, so when we heard that there was a mated pair of eagles nesting in the Mentor Marsh, Sally and I decided to see if we could get a few photos.  We found the location of the nest easily – it’s quite visible from Rt. 44 near Headlands Beach State Park.  The Mentor Marsh is home to numerous wildlife species, but this pair of eagles are recent residents.  They first nested here last year, according to a local photographer that I met today at the site.   Approaching an eagle’s nest is highly illegal, as they are still endangered, so I want to stress that these photos were taken from FAR away.  As a result, the digital shots are pretty low quality – I had to use a digital zoom factor of 48x to get them.

I also took a few film photos with my old Nikon and a 300mm zoom with a 2x telextender, providing an effective focal length of 600mm.  I haven’t got these photos scanned yet, but I’ll add them to this post when I get them.

It’s really quite moving to see our national symbol in the wild.  Let’s hope that bald eagles are around for a long time!

Out and about

Dad is doing much of the babysitting

Here's a closer shot of the female eagle

Preparing for takeoff!

4 Responses to Eagle-Watching on Mentor Marsh

  1. Alison Nedel says:

    I saw this also. Very impressive! My yard slopes down to the Marsh and I saw one of the birds flying on Saturday afternoon.

  2. Chris LaBant says:

    Beautiful pictures. I go by the nest everyday to see if I can spot them. A couple of times I have been lucky enough to see them flying and got a decent view of them.

  3. I would like to say, nice webpage. Im not sure if it has been addressed, however when using Firefox I can never get the entire page to load without refreshing alot of times. Could just be my modem. Appreciate your work

  4. […] You may remember two years ago we spent several wonderful days watching a pair of American Bald Eagles move into our neighborhood in the Mentor Marsh.  It was great until the NO PARKING signs went up that is.  But before they did, Dana got some fantastic photos, using his camera attached to his telescope.  You can see the full story here:  Eagle Watching on Mentor Marsh. […]

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